Signal Booster DIY Mistakes

You just finished setting up your office at home. You live in a remote area and cell service is a problem. Since your cellphone is an important communication tool for your business and personal life you are probably going to need help boosting the signal. The local big box electronics stores have several options, but you have no idea what or where to begin.

How do I Choose a Signal Booster?

The first step is choosing the right signal booster system for you. This is a more involved process than one may initially think. Are you trying to boost your carrier only, AT&T, T-Mobile, Verizon, etc., or do you want to boost all carriers? Think long term – what if you change carriers or have family and friends over? Once you answer those questions you are ready to determine the booster type, but now which model? This is where you need signal survey equipment and knowledge in how to properly use it. You will need to find the location of a tower that serves your area and understand how the land affects your signal; hills, valleys, etc. Based off of these readings you can choose the right make and model of booster system you need to achieve the optimal decibel boost for your location. The layout of your home will determine which antennas you’ll need for the interior (dome, ceiling mounted or panel, wall mounted), and exterior (omni – multi-directional or yagi – single directional). Now that all of this is determined we can move on to the installation process.

Complications in Installation

Installing the system may seem simple on paper, but if done incorrectly you will see little to no difference in your signal strength. Improper placement of both interior and exterior antennas is a common mistake we see in DIY installations. As previously stated, knowing the lay of the land and tower locations will give you the knowledge needed to properly install the exterior antenna. Roof mounting, pole mounting, antenna type, etc. Interior antennas need to be a proper distance from the exterior antenna heightwise and lengthwise and cables should be custom cut to minimize signal loss over long cable runs. Attenuators will need to be installed to help carry the signal over long cable runs and splitters will be necessary when multiple interior antennas are needed. Another item to consider is attenuating the booster. Some boosters self-attenuate to adjust themselves to maximize signal output while others may need to be manually adjusted. This can be a frustrating process if you are not familiar with booster attenuation and do not have the proper equipment to test it while adjusting.

How CellTeks can Help

CellTeks has experienced, certified, and trained technicians that have the knowledge and tools to do the installation right. We take the proper readings to determine which system best suits your needs and budget. During the installation process we will check the system and make adjustments as needed to give you the best signal possible for your location. Without the knowledge and equipment an installation could take days or even weeks before the right signal boost is achieved if achieved at all. Another benefit of our professional installation is we also offer our 360° Protection Plan. This plan covers a vast majority of issues you may experience throughout the life of your system and offers you a discount on future upgrades.

In the end, a signal booster system is a big investment. Proper installation by an experienced team like CellTeks will save time, money, and headaches. Let us help you find the right booster, the right equipment, and the right installation all with guaranteed service. Ask about all this and more by visiting our Contact Us page here to get an on-site demonstration of better service today!

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